Growing through relationship

As humans, we really are social beings. I believe, and there are countless incredible stories and interesting data to indicate, we were meant to go through this life in relationship with others. This might include our friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers we happen to interact with in passing. If you’ve ever had a chance interaction with someone that brightened (or perhaps ruined) your whole day, you’ll understand just how quickly relationship can have impact in our lives.

So, where do coaches come in? What do they offer that our friends, family, and social supports can’t (or maybe shouldn’t)?

Good coaches will have training in and experience building relationships. They’ll also understand the power of relationship. In fact, relationship can be the single leading factor predicting successful outcomes of healing, recovery and behavior change (e.g., Young, 2017). In this way, making sure you have a coach that you connect with on a personal level is paramount!

At Rise, we take the match with clients very seriously.

Having a coach who understands the importance of compassionate listening skills, empathic reflection of your thoughts and feelings, and collaborative goal setting and decision making is what it’s all about! Because it isn’t about what your coach wants for you or some external standard to live up to; it is about having a knowledgeable guide to help you identify the direction you want to go, and how you want to and can feasibly get going that way. A good coach-client relationship will foster your own resources for change and growth.


Young, M. E. (2017). Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques, 6th edition. Pearson.


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