Welcome Rise!

I am absolutely ecstatic to celebrate the launch today of Rise Cognitive Solutions!

I have been very grateful to serve as a coach consulting for other companies over the past ten years, with more focused mental performance experience over the past year. While that may seem like a long time in the industry, those experiences felt like just the beginning.

Having the opportunity to apply my education and training to real-world scenarios and solutions for people was such a joy each time I was able to connect with clients and see the mental gears turning. I have always aimed to give clients education and opportunities to reflect on their own challenges and co-develop tailored solutions that are going to work for them—according to them. It has been so exciting for me as a coach to get to watch clients taking in knowledge and prioritizing self-discovery, and actioning that into impactful health change in their lives. Actions like taking time to prepare home-cooked meals, journal health experiences, and get more sleep! These are all beautiful and truly impactful things in our busy, non-stop lives. Seeing the changes people have made through group settings, I also wanted to give clients the option to work in a more focused, tailored manner on their mindset and performance.

Cue the launch of Rise!

I am so excited to be launching today my first Rise initiative - Level One coaching. Check out the Services page for more information, but essentially, this will give clients I have worked with while consulting the chance to work together one-on-one! Also, if you are new to my coaching and looking for some support, I am glad to have you here! Level One coaching will offer the opportunity for us to get up-close with your personal health history and experiences, and learn about what is important to you. From there, we’ll work together using evidence-based tools and strategies to get you taking steps towards the healthier lifestyle you envision for yourself. I believe you can accomplish A LOT with 8-weeks of focused attention and applied strategies for healthier living, and it would be my pleasure and honor to support you on your journey.

I truly see health, behavioural, mental and lifestyle changes as a journey that lasts a lifetime. I want my clients to be making intentional and progressive steps forward with their goals, while we appreciate and factor in what is feasible in context.

Thank you for checking out this website, and for considering my services if you have been looking to make a change. Going forward I also plan to provide at least monthly educational blog posts on health mindset and behaviour change, and I hope to support everyone dropping in here. Let’s keep learning, growing and rising up together—even from afar.

Yours in health,

Coach Aleah


Growing through relationship